RULES | ||||||||||||||||||||||
1. The League shall be named the “Guernsey United Euchre League”. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
2. The Officers of the League shall form TWO Committees, one for the day to day running of the League, the other being an Appeals Committee. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The League Committee shall consist of: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
President; | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Vice-President; | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Honorary Financial Treasurer; | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Honorary Fixtures Secretary; | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Public Relations Officer and up to Six Ordinary Members are to form a Committee. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
All Committee are to be members of an affiliated Club. To be elected at the Annual General Meeting, by a straight majority vote, from nominations submitted in writing, signed by a Proposer and Seconder, at least 21 days before the A.G.M. Nominations may also be received from the floor on the night of the AGM. Any resignations during the season shall be filled by the Committee electing the replacement. The President will have the casting vote in the event of a tie. Five Members will form a quorum. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The Appeals Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary and one other. All to be registered players, but are not to be members of the League Committee. All to have a vote. The officers shall be elected by a majority vote at the A.G.M. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Should any member of the Appeals Committee become directly or indirectly involved in any protest lodged or in the Committee findings, then that member shall be required to stand down and be replaced by a Team Captain from any division at the invitation of the League President. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
3. Trophies shall be competed for and will be held for twelve months. The winners are to be responsible for the safe keeping and to ensure the return to the League Secretary in ample time for the Annual Presentation of Trophies. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
4. The annual subscription to be as agreed at the Annual General Meeting for the season after the upcoming winter season. The annual subscription shall be paid in full at the same time as when submitting the Official Registration Form. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5. All members of such competing team shall be eligible to attend the A.G.M. Only one vote per team is permitted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6. A player shall not be eligible to play for more than one team during any season unless a transfer signed by both captains is received by the Fixtures Secretary by email at Any transfers requested prior to the commencement of the season should not be rejected by the leaving team’s Captain, however all transfers are to be subject to approval by the Committee. Any player signing and playing for more than one team during a season may at the Committee’s discretion be suspended to the end of the season. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
7. Registration of players. A team shall have a minimum of TEN and a maximum of THIRTY players. An email providing Team Name, Captains Name, Address and Post Code, Team Home Venue, Contact number, Email Address and players full names should be submitted to the Fixtures Secretary by email at Alternatively an Official Registration Form(s) can be completed and submitted to the Fixtures Secretary by email at least 14 days prior to the A.G.M. Additional players can be registered by email with their full name(s) submitted to the Fixtures Secretary at or on completion of an Official Registration Form(s) to be sent by email to the Fixtures Secretary. Registration must be completed prior to that player playing in a match. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8. All league matches shall be arranged and played on the specified date. Any request for a postponement will be considered only in exceptional circumstances. Such requests must be made to the Fixtures Secretary, at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled fixture whenever possible, who may permit the requesting team to seek a mutually convenient alternative date from the opposing team. The re-arranged match is to be played within 28 days of the original fixture date, or before the last match of the season if earlier (no postponed matches are allowed to be played after the final fixtures date). Should the match not be played within 28 days, the Committee reserves the right to make the requesting team to forfeit the match. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
NOTE: - All matches to commence by 8 p.m., unless agreed by both playing Captains, after which games must be forfeited. (Under exceptional circumstances, appeal can be made to Committee.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9. The result of each match together with the correct Names and Scores of all Players shall be recorded on the Official Form and must be e-mailed to by midnight on the Saturday after the match being played. It shall be signed by the respective Captains, whose Signatures will be taken as vouching for the contents appertaining to their respective Teams. The Captain of the “home” team will be responsible for the forwarding of the result sheet. Failure to comply in League Matches will result in a one point deduction. The Captain of the offending team will be notified in writing or by email within 14 days of the offence being committed. Should any false entries be made, not being an offence under any other Rule or Rules, the team concerned will forfeit up to a maximum of 3 points. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10. In the event of a team failing to play, the maximum number of points will be awarded to the opposing team. Matches won by default to be counted as a 12-8 winning score, the non offending team to be credited with a two point win and the 12-8 score in their games difference total. Any team failing to play more than on two occasions shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the League and all their matches become void, unless a joint application of three days’ notice shall have been given to the League Secretary for permission to postpone the match to a specific date. If due to any unforeseen circumstances this rule is broken, an appeal to the Committee can be made. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11. Any team withdrawing after the fixtures are made shall be dealt with at the Committee’s discretion and may be expelled from the Guernsey United Euchre League. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12. Protests shall be decided by the League Committee. Any team
wishing to protest, must do so by email to the Secretary at The protest will be heard as soon as is
practical. One or more representative(s) of each team involved may be
requested to be present at the hearing. An appeal against the Committee’s findings can be made to the Appeals Committee, BY EMAIL, through either Secretary, within FIVE days of notification of the Committee’s ruling. The appeal will be heard as soon as is practical. The result of the Appeals Committee ruling is final. They shall have the power to deal with ALL matters not provided for by the Rules. Two members of the Committee and up to two members of the TEAM are to be present. The Committee’s findings are to be waived until the Appeal is heard by the Appeals Committee. |
13. Any player caught cheating or practising any illegal play in any League Matches or Euchre Drives will be permanently suspended from the Guernsey United Euchre League’s activities at the Committee’s discretion. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
14. The Annual Presentation of Trophies shall take place as soon as practicable after the last Match of the Season. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
15. New teams to be accepted into the League by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting, the registration of players for such teams being as detailed in rule 7. The forming of Divisions, Promotion or Relegation are to be decided by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
16. Continued Membership of the League will not be automatic. Any Committee Member, Individual or Team whose conduct during the season has, in the opinion of the Committee, been detrimental to the Good Name, or the smooth running of the League, can have their Membership cancelled by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting, or an Extraordinary General Meeting. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
17. The person signing the registration form for a Team shall be the only person to decide the Name and Venue of that Team. The Committee reserves the right to require any team to change the Name or Venue if it deems it to be unsuitable. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
18. No alterations, additions or amendments to these Rules shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
19. The Fixtures Secretary shall be notified by email to not less than twenty-one days before the Annual General Meeting of any proposed New Rule, alteration or addition to any existing Rules. A copy of all proposed alterations, additions or amendments to the Rules will be sent to the various Clubs at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
20. The Committee shall have power to deal with all matters not provided for by the Rules. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Special attention is drawn to Rule 20. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
21. Four Pairs shall be the number to represent each Team. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
22. Playing cards and scoring boards (15 holes) should be examined by both Captains before any match, as no protest regarding these shall be entertained after any match. Only playing cards provided by the League are to be used, with a “full euchre pack” defined as being 33 cards (joker plus 7s-10s, picture cards and aces). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
23. Players of each opposing team shall “be drawn” as partners for the match of the evening. In the event of players being incorrectly seated, the offending team shall forfeit any result - the match going to the opposition. No player may move seats during a match after it has commenced. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
24. Each pair of the home team shall play five games of 15 points with the visiting team. If any player(s) need to leave their match before all five games have been completed, the result for that table shall be deemed to be as per the number of fully completed games at that time, plus all unfinished games shall be forfeited by the player(s) leaving. No team shall be represented by less than SIX players at the start of any match, in default rule 10 shall apply. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
25. The initial deal of each table shall be determined by a player from the home and away teams cutting from a full deck (i.e. 33 cards used by both players), with the highest value card indicating the person who shall deal. Should cards of identical value be drawn, the process is to be repeated as many times as may be necessary, after the full deck has been shuffled again each time, until a clear outcome is achieved. Order of Values: Joker, any one of the 4 Jacks, then Ace downwards. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
26. The result of the matches shall be decided by the majority of games. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
27. Match points shall be:- Two for a win, and One for a draw. In the event of two or more teams securing an equal number of points at the end of league matches, then games difference will decide top or bottom positions. If two or more teams should have the same games difference, those teams winning most matches would be classed top. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
28. Team Aggregate Shield to be competed for over the first 20 matches in the league program, or if fewer matches are played, then this will be aggregated over the number of matches played during the season. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
29. Individual Aggregate: There will be an individual aggregate trophy awarded in each Division each season to the man or woman achieving the highest aggregate, however to qualify for the award, players must have played in at least 70% of the matches their team has played during the season. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
30. Should a Knock-Out match end in a draw after twenty games played, a further game on three tables (to be drawn for) shall be played to decide the match winner. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
31. Any player turning up “joker” when dealing shall call trumps and must pick up that card, having the option of going “alone” or “with help”. No other player may call trumps. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
32. Players must call “pass” in order of call and not “go” or “knock” on the table to indicate their intentions. In default a re-deal to be made. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
33. No player shall be allowed to “order’ his opponent unless he himself possesses not less than two trump cards. No player shall make trumps unless he has at least two trumps (the left bower shall count as a trump when already in the dealer’s hand if the dealer picks up a card of the alternative suit of the same colour), with the exception of the dealer, who upon turning up the joker must, without looking at his hand, make trumps, irrespective of whether he has any other trumps or not. In default, a penalty of FOUR POINTS will be awarded to the opponents. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
34. In the event of a player dealing a card/s face-up, a re-deal is to be made. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
35. Cards shall be dealt clockwise in three’s and two’s or two’s and three’s. The full euchre pack must be held in the dealer’s hand. In default a re-deal to be made. In the event of any misdeal being recognised after a call having been made and play commenced, a re-deal will be made with no penalty. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
36. No player or reserve at matches shall if overlooking a League or Knock-Out game, make any comment on the play. The Captain shall have the power to enforce this rule. In default a re-deal is to be made and the offending player or reserve to be reported to the Committee. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
37. All cards shall be shuffled and cut before dealing. A minimum of one card constitutes a legal cut. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
38. All cards shall be “played out” face up in front of each player. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
39. No player shall be permitted, whilst a hand is in play, to refer to any trick once turned down, except in case of a revoke. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
40. An interval of ten minutes shall be allowed, or an alternative time to be agreed by both teams. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
41. Penalties. Revoke - A revoke is constituted when a player has a card of the suit that is led but fails to play it and instead plays a card of a different suit. A penalty of two points on a “with help” call or four points on an “alone” call shall be forfeited by the offending team. A mislead, card played out of turn, or a card shown and not played shall incur the same penalties. A mis-call shall incur a penalty of four points. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
42. Scale of Points:- Four points a lone hand; two points, euchred; two points, march with partner; one point, three or four tricks. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
43. When Dealer picks up or is ordered up that same card is not to be discarded. In default a penalty of two points if “with help” or four points if “alone”, will be awarded to the opponents. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
44. The system for automatic relegation applies to the bottom two teams in each division, unless teams have dropped out of the league during the season or a league re-structure is required, such decision to be recommended by the Committee to the members attending the AGM and such recommendation to be approved at the AGM. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
45. Only one Reserve is permitted for Pairs and Trios Knockout Competitions. Where a reserve has been used, no other person may act as a reserve during the competition. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
46. For all Knockout Competitions involving two legs, the match must be completed by the stipulated end date. The match can be played at any time up until the stipulated date to be agreed between the two teams. In the event that a date/s cannot be agreed between the two teams, the match must be played on the first and second stipulated date provided by the league committee. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
RULES FOR THE SUMMER LEAGUE | ||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Nine Players (Male or Female) shall be the number to represent each Team. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
2. There will be three tables per match. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
3. Only playing cards provided by the league are to be used. Only scoring boards with 21 or more holes are to be used. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
4. Players of each opposing team shall be drawn as partners for the match of the evening. In the event of players being incorrectly seated, the offending team forfeit any result, the game going to the opposition. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5. Each trio shall play four games of twenty one points. No team shall forfeit any result, the game going to the opposition. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6. Points shall be - Two for a win or one for a draw. In the event of two or more teams securing an equal number of points at the end of league matches, then games difference will decide the league winners. If the games difference is the same, the number of matches won will decide the League Winners. Default games will be 7-5. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
7. Individual aggregate (forfeited or by default scores will not be included). A player needs to have played in at least 70% of matches to qualify for the aggregate trophy. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8. No player shall be allowed to order their opponent unless they themselves possess not less than two trump cards. No player shall make trumps unless they have at least two trumps. In a default a penalty of six points will be awarded to the opponents. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9. The player who declares trumps shall be the only player who may obtain six points except in the case of a revoke. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10. In the event of a player declaring trumps no player shall be allowed to send the declarer’s hand to pack unless in the case of a misdeal. In default a penalty of three points will be awarded to the opponents. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11. Revoke - A revoke is constituted when a card is played out of turn. In the case of six players a penalty of three points will be awarded to the opponents. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12. Scale of points. Six points for a lone hand, Three points if euchred, Three points for a march with partners, One point for three tricks. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
13. When the dealer picks up or is ordered up, that same card is not to be discarded. In a default a penalty of three or six points if alone will be awarded to the opponents. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
14. The committee shall have power to deal with all matters not provided for by the rules. | ||||||||||||||||||||||